G R Iranna’s subtle treatment of quasi-abstract form is suggestive of his attempt to understand the impermanence of life around. This evokes a human vulnerability defining the very fragility of life. His fascination with ash stems from the everyday rituals and also, of what ash in itself represents.
Iranna’s works have been exhibited in numerous galleries which include Gallery Espace, New Delhi; The Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai; Ojas Art Gallery, Delhi; Aicon Gallery, London; Berkeley Square Gallery, London; Maulana Azad Centre for Indian Culture, Cairo; Gallery Martini, Hong Kong. Iranna is a recipient of the ABPF Foundation’s Signature Art Prize- Singapore Art Museum Jury Award [2008]; Harmony Show Artist of the Year Award, Harmony Foundation, Mumbai [2004]; Charles Wallace Scholarship between 1999 and 2000; 40th National Academy Award from Lalit Kala Akademi and the AIFACS Award in 1997. In 2007, GR Iranna’s artwork was the subject of a publication: The Dancer on the Horse by Ranjit Hoskote and, he was also written about in INDIA 20: Conversations with Contemporary Artists by Anupa Mehta.