Roti, Kapda aur Makan (Food, Cloth and Shelter) : these three factors fundamentally determine the ‘desire quotient’ of an average Indian. Though this has been a pre-globalized phenomenon, even today the basic desire exists in different levels as global migration has become a part of the urbanization process. Also, this phrase which, in three words encapsulates the average desire quotient gained a special status after the success of a movie by the same name in 1974. Yet another Bollywood phrase!
In this project titled ‘Food, Cloth and Shelter – Roti, Kapda aur Makan’ I would like to see how today’s artists envision this very basic desire and portray it in their works. Each constituting entity of this phrase has become a new subject of discourse in our times. With the changing values of life and physical contexts of existence, these entities play an inclusive role than definitively exclusive roles as seen during the pre-global times. Today, Food, Cloth and Shelter have become contesting factors as well as pointers of socio-cultural and politic-economic existence of human beings.
The exhibition is slated to be the inaugural group exhibition for Ojas Art’s permanent gallery.